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Hemorrhoids ... Definition and Causes
Copyright 2004, Ginacor, Inc.

The term hemorrhoids refer to a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed. These can present various symptoms. Hemorrhoids can be present in healthy individuals.

Hemorrhoids are a huge problem for many people, affecting both men and women equally. Some studies have shown that half of the population has hemorrhoids to some extent by the age of 50. The most common ages affected are between 20 and 50. Despite this large number, it is seldom a topic of conversation.

Squatting with the HealthStep® by Ginacor is a good start to helping with this problem. The squat position lessens pressure in the anal and rectal veins thereby removing the stress and strain that can cause hemorrhoids. Also, when one squats to eliminate, it lessens the time one spends sitting on the toilet again, thereby helping to prevent hemorrhoids. The study done by REB Tagart (1966) shows that the anorectal angle is partially straightened out when squatting. He concluded that squatting reduced the pressure required for elimination and recommended a hips-flexed position for elimination to help treat constipation and prevent hemorrhoids. There is hope for people suffering with Hemorrhoids, start by using the HealthStep® by Ginacor.

One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is straining to have a bowel movement. This can create excessive pressure in the veins.

Other common causes of hemorrhoids include:

  1. Constipation (passing a large stool)
  2. Prolonged sitting on a toilet (e.g., while reading) is believed to cause a relative venous return problem in the perianal area (a tourniquet effect), resulting in enlarged hemorrhoids
  3. Inflammation or infection of the rectal area
  4. Pregnancy and childbirth
  5. Low-fiber diet
  6. Overuse of laxatives
  7. Diarrhea
  8. Heavy lifting (can cause increased pressure in the perianal area and engorge hemorrhoids)

The information here is designed to dispel some of the myths surrounding the problem of hemorrhoids plus provide helpful hints and tips to help prevent the problem from occurring. This is not a problem you need to suffer with for your whole life. If you make some simple dietary and lifestyle changes, you can feel better and healthier.


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